Thank you to everyone who voted in our Students’ Association President Election 2024/25. It was incredible to see the range of ideas our 21 amazing candidates had, highlighting the range of opportunities and challenges that you may face as students at Arden University. Across the 4 days of voting, we had 614 of you cast your vote, representing a 4.3% voter turnout on Unitu.

We are excited to announce that the candidate who had the most votes and therefore is your Student President Elect 2024/25, is…




Johnson ‘Jay’ Abayomi Agbaje!


You can view a full breakdown of the voting on Unitu here.







The Students’ Association would like to extend our congratulations to Jay - we can’t wait to start working with you!

Upon receiving the news, Jay gave the following statement of thanks:

Dear Fellow students, 

I am deeply honoured and humbled to have been elected as the new President of Arden’s Students' Association. I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who have placed your trust in me. Your confidence means the world to me. I am committed to tirelessly representing the interests and voices of our student body. 

I also want to thank my fellow candidates for their hard work and passion throughout this campaign. I have read all of your manifestos, and I would like nothing more than to work with you to achieve our common goals. 

Thank you once again for this opportunity. I look forward to the work ahead. 

Warm regards, 

(Jay) Johnson Agbaje 


Jay will be your Students’ Association President Elect 2024/25, starting his role in October/November 2024. Our current Students’ Association President is Dace Rozina, who has been your President for both the 2022/23 and 2023/24 term. Dace is currently on maternity leave, and we look forward to welcoming her back soon.

We would like to thank all students who got involved in the Student President Election this year – whether as a candidate, a supporter, or getting involved in using your voice and voting. As your Students’ Association, we are here to represent your views and ideas to the university, to ensure you, our students, are at the heart of Arden University.

We look forward to working with as many of you as possible to turn your ideas into campaigns and change. Find out more about other ways to get involved here.